
Der Akademische Besuch Malaysia-Deutschland 2008 or known as (ABaDe'08) is an International Academic Visit Program that was organised by the THIRD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT CENTRE FOR MODERN LANGUAGES AND HUMAN SCIENCES (CMLHS) UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG.


The Centre for Modern Languages and Human Sciences (CMLHS)is a hub for enhancing language, communication and human development skills for students as well as for external clients.To support the aim of UMP in producing graduates who excel in all effective elements, CMLHS plays a significant role in training the students in the Soft Skills.

One Step Closer….Go For It..!!ABaDe’08.

Assalammualaikum and very good day….

It had been a long journey before our team had been one step closer to the ABaDe’08 Program (Der Akademische Besuch Malaysia-Deutchland 2008) which had been organized by Centre for Modern Languages & Human Sciences (CMLHS).

Today, our team had to be ready to arrange the preparation for the Opening Ceremony of this visit on 26th June 2008.Due to the several problems that cause the delay of this program, we had to re-arrange all the tentative program. The objective of this program is to to know the culture of German society and to promote Malaysian multi racial society to them and the strength of the German in interpersonal skills this helped them develop their country strong in technology.

Apart from that, this program objective is to introduce UMP as one of a higher institution which able to produce new graduate which have high caliber, able to face challenges and global standard.

It will no successful for us if we didn’t get the support from a few company that are willing to give sponsorship to us in other to assist us in term of the budget of this visit. In this visit, a few industrial places will be our destination such as Volkswagen Factory at Wolfsburg, Mercedes-Benz’s Factory at Stuttgart,BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, Pelikan AG ,University of Manheim and others places.


  1. Jason Choi said...

    There is an error in your posting that I would like to point out - your team will be visiting BASF SE headquarters in Ludwigshafen. BASF PETRONAS Chemicals (located in Gebeng)is one of your sponsorss. BASF PETRONAS Chemicals is a joint-venture between BASF SE and PETRONAS.

    I hope you team will have an enlightening trip to BASF SE in Ludwigshafen. I am sure you will learn a lot from this trip!

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